King Leopold’s Ghost

I am not quite sure if this is the right platform to post this documentary. Nevertheless, do watch it when you have time — compare what’s on it to whatever you were told in history classes; especially that “Scramble for Africa” chapter that lasted for a couple of weeks.

The description of the documentary reads: “The modern history of the Congo is a terrifying story of appalling brutality. Beginning with King Leopold II of Belgium’s avaricious rape of the country and tracing the impact of this horrifying and often-forgotten crime through to the modern day, this immensely shocking doc is a heart-rending tale of a rich country destroyed by rapacious hands.”

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Steven was born and raised in Dar es Salaam, and moved to Germany for his studies. He graduated with a BSc. in Physics (Jacobs University Bremen), and then a MSc. in Engineering Physics (Technische Universität München). Steven is currently pursuing a PhD in Physics (growth of coatings/multilayers for next generation lithography reflective optics) in the Netherlands. He’s thinking about starting his own business in a few years; something high-tech related. At Vijana FM, Steven discusses issues critical to youths in Tanzania, music, sport and a host of other angles. He’s also helping Vijana FM with a Swahili translation project.

This post has 2 Comments

  1. Thanks for posting this SN, this was an eye-opening documentary. Archives like this are going to become more and more important as future generations grow estranged to the problems their ancestors faced. It’s disgusting how rampant the exploitation was during King Leopold’s time and how it continues today. It seems to make all the commissions, committees and councils which are “looking into the issues” seem like a joke.

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