The Story of Martin Kayamba (I)

In our quest to revive anecdotal experiences of men and women who shaped the history of the land that we now call Tanzania, we came across an interesting text written in 1935 about the life and times of the educator and civil-servant Martin Kayamba Mdumi, M.B.E (1891-1939).

How prepared is East Africa for opposition?

Indeed, there is no single country in the region that has never harassed opposition parties. The only difference is perhaps the scale of such harassment that puts such events in the Pearl of Africa to a level that could be compared to what is done by occupants of Mirembe or Butabika hospitals in Tanzania and Uganda, respectively.


Ifuatayo ni taswira ya muonekano wa kirusi cha ukimwi (HIV). Kama ulicheza gololi, basi kirusi hiki kina udogo wa zaidi ya mara bilioni tisini ya eneo la gololi dungu!