The Value of ‘Microtrends’

Our society is riddled with growing trends that we overlook daily, focusing on larger trends such as Facebook or Twitter. Yet if 1% of society comprises a trend, that equates to 3,000,000 Americans or 400,000 Tanzanians and so forth… Mark Penn shines the spotlight on such ‘microtrends’ in his book “Microtrends: The Small Forces Behind Tomorrow’s Big Changes.” Penn intuitively identifies growing interest groups in society, each with needs unmet by our society and economy and provides ideas on how one might tailor a business venture to meet that need. The book promotes the reader to think and look outside of our limited contact sphere (the people we meet and see every day) and identify our own microtrends in society. Backed by an impressive track record chasing the trail with former President Clinton, Mark Penn writes a very informative and digestible book that can get us all thinking about entrepreneurship.

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Neechi is interested particularly in the intersects of medicine and technology. He graduated from Harvard University in 2008 and has since been conducting research in Neurology at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, MA. Building websites to further the goals of his clients in Tanzania and the US, Neechi has always been an entrepreneur in heart. Neechi was born in New York, and at the age of 10 moved to Tanzania for six years before returning for college. Currently awaiting matriculation at medical school in the fall of 2010, Neechi writes for Vijana FM with a focus on technology, and is a part of the design team behind the scenes.

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