Five questions with Shujaaz FM’s DJ B

For those of you who still do not know about it, Shujaaz FM (Heros FM in Swahili) is an award-winning multimedia series focused on empowering young Kenyans. It is produced in Sheng, a slang Swahili vernacular, and is based on a monthly comic book featuring central characters DJ B and his fans Maria Kim, Charlie Pele and Malkia. We were lucky to bump into DJ B last week so we quickly asked him five questions. Check out his wise words below (they do not just apply to Kenyans!).

Shujaaz FM's DJ B
Shujaaz FM’s DJ B

1. DJ B! It’s an honor! There are no heroes without villains. What made you want to be a pirate Shengian DJ and what is the cause you are fighting for (or against)?

When I left school I was full of hope and determination – I wanted to get a job, make some money and have a role in my community. But this wasn’t to be – my friends and I really struggled to find work. We set up a youth group but soon my friends became frustrated and turned to crime. I knew I had to stop this. I had to find a way of giving them hope and the only way I thought I could do this was by sharing ideas about how to make a bit of money. And so my battle started – getting the youth across Kenya to share their stories – how do they survive, how do they hustle, how do they keep their spirits high?

So I fight apathy, doubt, fear, laziness, hopelessness, idleness with the weapons of ideas and encouragement from my fellow youths.

My other battle is a different one – I continually have to fight the inner self that keeps me from succeeding, that which keeps me from appreciating whatever small things I have, the inner voice that tells me the easy way out is to take short-cuts such as getting involved in dirty politics, drugs, irresponsibility and all those things that hinder a walk into the bright future.

I want the youth to join me in this fight. Together we will be strong. Together we will win.

2. What do you and your crew do from 9-5 (and after)? What issues/topics do you see yourselves dealing with on a daily basis?

I’m always busy out there sourcing information, great ideas, listening to the youth’s concerns and fears. If I’m not on Facebook DJ Boyie, then I’m SMSing on my 3008 line, or Tweeting @shujaaz – I’m always engaging with my fellow youth getting their ideas to pass on to the whole country.

And of course I’m always on my radio show Shujaaz.FM – hacking into radio stations and sharing the ideas and inspiring stories the youth have shared with me. I do this all day and all night – I never tire!

3. If you had a million dollars at your disposal right now, what would you do with it?

A million dollars, well I’d ask where you’d sourced the money.. surely that will be theft.. ha ha hah!

Firstly I’d buy some new recording kit to make my radio shows even hotter – and I’d be able to pay some of Africa’s fiercest musicians to perform on the show!

Then I’d talk to my krew and people in my hood and work out what our community most needs – better classrooms, a new hospital, better roads etc. I’d love to get all that sorted.

I’d also build my mum a new kitchen and get her a nice dress – she deserves it!

Shujaaz FM's DJ B and his fans Marie Kim, Charlie Pele and Malkia
Shujaaz FM’s DJ B and his fans Marie Kim, Charlie Pele and Malkia

4. The crew you work with – Well Told Story – have several projects being broadcast on may different stations. Why do you see this as an efficient way to spread media, rather than start your own broadcasting station?

The thing we’re most concerned with is making sure as many people hear our stories as possible. We pride ourselves on making really good quality shows – there are SO many stations out there. Do we really need another?! I’d rather we collaborated with all the good people out there and passed our work onto them so they can put it into their shows and ensure that millions of people hear what we have to say.

5. What’s the plan for broader East Africa? How can other young voices help you do what you do?

I already have many fans from Tanzania, Uganda & Rwanda – but I’d love to team up with more youth there & share ideas because we share the same problems. We have the same dreams. I have hope that Shujaaz will be coming to broader East Africa soon enough – and don’t worry, you’ll be the first people to know when it happens!

Thanks for the time DJ B! We look forward to developing a discussion with you below and seeing the other DJ Bs (maShujaaz) proliferate across this region.

Further reading:

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Al-Amin founded Vijana FM in 2009. With over a decade of experience in communications, design and operations, he now runs a digital media consulting agency - Lateral Labs - in Dar-es-Salaam.

This post has 3 Comments

  1. Thanks for an awesome article! If you like this you’ll love our new production JONGO LOVE – a hot, hip drama set in Nairobi’s ghettos featuring some of the villains from Shujaaz. Check it out!

  2. I find it tragic that solid programs like yours have to pay media stations to broadcast your stuff. Au do you guys get paid? If you ARE getting paid (not talking about donors here) then I think you’re breaking new ground in East Africa. Good content deserves to get paid directly by broadcasters – they make a ton from advertising! You’re right, too many broadcasters out there to introduce a new one, but that shouldn’t mean they monopolize the scene!

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