Rising Above the List: Turning New Year’s Resolutions into Achieved Dreams

This will probably not be a new scene to you. The end of December 31st, the clock strikes midnight, and it’s hard not to notice the excitement in the air—the shouts of joy, the fireworks. It’s all a giant mark of a new beginning. Over the next few days or weeks, you will hear the phrase “New Year, New Me” a lot. Quite a famous declaration by many, especially the youth. And oftentimes backed by a list of New Year’s Resolutions.

A familiar fate to this list? Being shelved. Collecting dust in the deepest parts of our brains. Throughout the year, we may once in a while look at the list. Not with much focus, and sometimes, through the eyes of regret. A lot of people abandon their New Year’s Resolutions for a number of reasons. Though easier said than done, the singular solution to this problem is simply planning.

Maybe you have planned before and things didn’t go as you had imagined. Don’t lose hope, because regardless of the roadblocks you may have faced as a youth in Tanzania, New Year’s Resolutions are worth making. And if you want to get it right this time, here is a thread by thread advice on how to turn that list into achieved dreams by the end of the year.

Reflecting on the Past Year

As the echoes of celebrations fade and the initial excitement settles, take a moment to reflect on the past year. Consider both the triumphs and the challenges. What worked well? What lessons did you learn? What habits kept you from growing? Reflecting on the past year provides valuable insights that can shape the resolutions you set for the new one. It’s like examining a map before embarking on a new journey—knowing where you’ve been can guide you on where you want to go.

Without reflection, we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful.

Margaret J. Wheatley

Setting Meaningful Resolutions

Resolutions often fall by the wayside when they lack personal significance. Instead of succumbing to the pressure of generic goals, delve into the heart of what truly matters to you. Ask yourself: What brings fulfillment? What aligns with your values? Meaningful resolutions resonate on a deeper level, making them more likely to withstand the test of time. It’s not just about setting goals; it’s about setting intentions that genuinely reflect your aspirations.


The magic often lies in the details, and resolutions are no exception. Turn vague aspirations into tangible plans. Break down overarching goals into manageable steps, creating a roadmap for success. Planning is your compass—it not only provides direction but also instills a sense of control over your journey. From daily to-do lists to monthly milestones, each step brings you closer to the larger goal. The beauty of planning is in its ability to turn lofty ideals into actionable, achievable steps.

Goals are dreams with deadlines.

Diana Scharf

Involving the Community

Strength lies in numbers, and resolutions are no exception. Share your aspirations with friends, family, or a supportive community. If your goal is to foster a reading habit, join a bookclub. Involving others not only holds you accountable but also provides a network of encouragement. Collaborative goal-setting fosters a sense of shared achievement, turning personal resolutions into communal successes. It’s a reminder that the journey is not solitary; it’s a collective endeavor, and everyone’s victories contribute to a richer tapestry of shared growth.

There is no such thing as a self-made man. You will reach your goals only with the help of others.

George Shinn

Leveraging Technology

In a world driven by technology, harness its power to amplify your efforts. From goal-tracking apps to virtual support networks, technology offers a myriad of tools such as Evernote, Strides,HabitBull and many more to aid your journey. Embrace the convenience of reminders, progress trackers, and digital resources that can cater to your resolutions. Technology becomes a silent ally, seamlessly integrating into your routine and providing that extra nudge when needed.

Overcoming Obstacles

Obstacles are an inevitable part of any journey. Instead of viewing them as roadblocks, see them as opportunities for growth. Identify potential challenges and devise strategies to navigate them. Whether it’s time constraints, unexpected setbacks, or moments of self-doubt, having a contingency plan empowers you to adapt and persevere. Overcoming obstacles isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a testament to resilience and determination.

Celebrating Achievements

In the pursuit of resolutions, it’s crucial to acknowledge and celebrate every milestone, no matter how small. Each step forward is a victory worth commemorating. Celebrating achievements is not just about reveling in success but also recognizing the dedication and effort invested. It’s a continuous affirmation that you are making progress, fueling the motivation to persist in your journey. Whether it’s a quiet pat on the back or a shared celebration with loved ones, every achievement contributes to the narrative of your success.

With this in mind, as the year unfolds,the thread of intentional planning will weave through the fabric of your resolutions, turning them from mere declarations into tangible, achieved dreams. The journey may not be easy, but with each intentional step, you contribute to a masterpiece—one that is uniquely yours.

Here’s to a year where resolutions cease to be abandoned dreams and instead become the cause of living a fulfilled life!

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Christina is a Copywriter at Lateral Labs, where she helps small and medium businesses in Tanzania set up and maintain websites.

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