Polling at Vijana FM

We’re excited to introduce a new polling project at Vijana FM that aims at conducting research among our website visitors. The project will consist of asking one question every week on the homepage sidebar that relates to topics we blog about.

We have kicked off this project with the question Do you think entrepreneurs can be the agents of economic transformation in Tanzania?

Entrepreneurship has been defined for this question broadly, including any act of enterprise-creation. Through feedback on our blog, we’ve observed that while many public and private initiatives seek to foster entrepreneurship – especially among young people – not all entrepreneurs get to build the kind of capital they need to initiate their ideas.

So some people say yes, entrepreneurs can be agents of economic transformation in Tanzania because they readily get opportunities to create value and jobs in the market. Others say that given certain conditions – such as favourable policy, adequate capital, etc. – entrepreneurs could possibly be agents of economic transformation, but it is not guaranteed. And of course, some people will outright disagree with these notions, claiming that while entrepreneurship is about enterprise-creation, entrepreneurs in Tanzania face conditions that do not enable them to transform the economy on a large scale.

What do you say? Vote today on the homepage sidebar to your right.

A new poll will be put up every Sunday, and results will be discussed the following week.

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Al-Amin founded Vijana FM in 2009. With over a decade of experience in communications, design and operations, he now runs a digital media consulting agency - Lateral Labs - in Dar-es-Salaam.

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