10 tips to prepare for SAT exams

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Stress less about your next SAT.

We got mail today from LiberalArtsColleges.org, a blog dedicated to providing information and guidance about liberal arts education. They kindly shared with us 10 tips they discuss to help SAT takers prepare well. Here is a our condensed adaptation:

  1. Get the practice booklet prepared by College Board, the SAT test administrators.
  2. Take practice exams on your own regularly.
  3. Read a lot (doesn’t matter what you’re reading, just read).
  4. Work on crossword puzzles.
  5. Take practice vocabulary tests.
  6. Get to know the questions for the writing section previous SAT exams.
  7. Develop a plan of action for tackling essays.
  8. Take advantage of study guides for the math section.
  9. Remember math vocabulary.
  10. Develop a plan of tackling math questions.

Check out the LiberalArtsColleges blog for more information. Thanks CV!

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Al-Amin founded Vijana FM in 2009. With over a decade of experience in communications, design and operations, he now runs a digital media consulting agency - Lateral Labs - in Dar-es-Salaam.

This post has 4 Comments

  1. someone needs to go and create a standardized test for developing countries. some of the models/examples just don’t apply to students in non-Western countries.

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